
Conflict in Galatia

The issue in Galatia was whether Gentiles must be circumcised and keep some, at least, of the deeds required by the Torah . The Letter to the Galatians is Paul’s response to a controversy that had developed among the congregations of Galatia. At issue was the status of Gentile believers. Must they conform to Jewish practices and submit to the regulations of the Mosaic Law to become members of the covenant community, especially the rite of circumcision ?

Delivered from this Evil Age

Paul anchored all that God has done for His Church in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Galatians 1:1-5. Paul claimed the source of his apostleship was the same God who raised His Son from “ among dead ones .” Jesus died and was raised from the dead to “ deliver us from this evil age .” In his Letter to the Galatians , Paul responded to “ men from Jerusalem ” who operated as if the old era before this event remained in effect. They insisted that Gentiles must be circumcised and keep the Jewish calendar, and they challenged Paul’s Apostolic authority.

Proclaiming Another Gospel

The Judaizing faction in Galatia proclaimed a message that deviated from the Apostolic Tradition and twisted the true Gospel – Galatians 1:6-12. The Letter to the Galatians  opens with a stern warning. What some believers contemplated doing would replace the Gospel of Jesus with something alien. To turn from the “ faith of Jesus Christ ” to the “ works of the law ” for justification meant abandoning the grace of God and rejecting the message preached by Paul. This is why he summoned God to “ curse ” any man, “ even an angel from Heaven ,” who preached “ another gospel .”

La Semence d'Abraham

Jésus est la Semence d'Abraham, l'héritier des promesses de l'alliance, et la réception de l'héritage est basée sur la foi en Lui . Comme le déclare l'Évangile de Matthieu , Jésus est le “ fils d'Abraham .” L'humble homme de Nazareth est le Messie et le Roi d'Israël, la “ Semence ” promise du Patriarche. Il accomplit les promesses de l'alliance. Il est l'héritier de l'alliance, et notre réception de l'héritage est basée sur sa fidèle “ obéissance jusqu'à la mort ” et notre foi en lui. Ni l'ethnicité ni la nationalité n'ont rien à voir avec cela .

The Seed of Abraham

Jesus is the Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him . As the Gospel of Matthew declares, Jesus is the “ son of Abraham .” The lowly man from Nazareth is the Messiah and King of Israel, the promised “ Seed ” of the Patriarch. He brings the covenant promises to fulfillment. He is the covenant heir, and our receipt of the inheritance is based on his faithful “ obedience unto death ” and our faith in him. Neither ethnicity nor nationality has anything to do with it.

The Hope of the Nations

The Good News of Jesus Christ and his victory over death offers hope, life, and salvation to men and women of every nation . The covenant promises were never limited to the nation of Israel or the small territory of Canaan. Jesus declared that “ all authority in Heaven and on Earth is given to me, therefore, Go! Make disciples of all nations! ” He sent his disciples to announce his Lordship and Salvation to the “ ends of the Earth ” - To every nation and people. The Promise of the Abrahamic Covenant to bless all nations through the Patriarch’s “ seed ” is coming to fruition through the Nazarene.