
This site is a teaching ministry of the Disciples Global Network designed to provide you with studies on the Kingdom of God and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. In him, God has fulfilled His Word, especially through his death, resurrection, and exaltation, and all the promises of God now find their meaning and application in Jesus of Nazareth.

My name is David Maas. I have been a student of the Bible since shortly after my conversion in 1971. I desire to pass on what I have learned to other disciples and assist them in their walk with Jesus. Currently, I reside in the city of Gardnerville in the state of Nevada.

My Profile Picture
[My Profile Picture]

All my posts are available free of charge - NONE are copyrighted. Please copy, reuse, quote, and distribute any article or portion thereof as you see fit. And please support this effort with your prayers. 

If you have any questions, comments, or interest in assisting this ministry, please email me at david@disciplesglobal.org, or, bear7755@gmail.com.

~ David R. Maas, May 2022.

San Juan Island lighthouse - Photo by Jackson Eaves on Unsplash
[San Juan Island Photo by Jackson Eaves on Unsplash]


On the Cruciform Road

Rebuilding Walls