
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Le Verbe Fait Chair

Le Prologue de l'Évangile de Jean présente des thèmes clés qui sont développés dans le Livre. De manière plus critique, Jésus est le Logos , “ le Verbe fait chair ” en qui la Vie et la Lumière sont révélées aux hommes et aux femmes pénitents. Il est le véritable “ Tabernacle ” où réside la “ Gloire ” de Dieu, pas la tente dans le désert ou la construction du Temple à Jérusalem. Jean utilise des images de l'histoire d'Israël pour illustrer ce que Dieu nous fournit maintenant dans “ Son Fils unique né .”

Jesus is the One

Not only does Jesus play the central role in revealing God, he also is the heart and foundation of his Father’s creative and redemptive plans, especially the deliverance of humanity from enslavement to Sin and Death. The true glory of the Creator of all things is found in Jesus alone, and he is the only One who is qualified to interpret His Father. In him, all the promises of God to His children find their significance and fulfillment, their “ Yea ” and “ Amen .”

Living and Life-Giving

The  Gospel of John  identifies Jesus as the  Logos , the “ Word ” through which God made all things. This theme is threaded throughout  John  and builds on traditional ideas from the Hebrew Bible about how God created the Universe, especially life through His spoken Word. Jesus of Nazareth is the ultimate expression of that Word and the Living God.

The Son of Abraham

The introduction to  Matthew  states that Jesus is the “ Son of Abraham .” He is nothing less than the heir of the covenant promises made by the God of Israel to the Patriarch, the  “ Seed of Abraham . ”  His identification as the descendant of the Patriarch points to the theme of fulfillment that dominates the  Gospel of Matthew . In this man from Nazareth, all the ancient promises of God find their “ Yea, and Amen ”!

Call His Name Jesus

In  Matthew , an angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit ” and instructed him to name the child ‘ Jesus ’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for His people which He was about to reveal.

The Word Made Flesh

The Prologue of the  Gospel of John  presents key themes that are expanded in the Book. Most critically, Jesus is the  Logos , the “ Word become flesh ” in whom Life and Light are revealed to penitent men and women. He is the true “ Tabernacle” where God’s “Glory ” resides, not the tent in the wilderness or the Temple building in Jerusalem. John employs imagery from the history of Israel to illustrate what God now provides us in His “ only born Son .”