

Stephen Bears Witness

Under the guidance of the Spirit, Stephen gave effective testimony to the priestly leaders of Israel .  The young church of Jerusalem  experienced conflicts between its Greek and Aramaic-speaking members. The apostles instructed the community to select seven men “ full of the Spirit and wisdom ” to take charge of the matter. One of them was Stephen, and the Book of  Acts  notes especially that he was “fu ll of faith and the Spirit .”

Christ or Caesar

Humanity is divided into two, and only two groups, the followers of the Lamb and the devotees of the Imperial Beast . In the Book of Revelation , every man either “ Tabernacles in Heaven ” or is numbered among the “ Inhabitants of the Earth .” The terms are not geographical but reflect the leader each group chooses to follow. Men either belong to “ Heaven ” or the “ Earth .” Those who elect to follow the Lamb “ wherever he goes ,” tabernacle in heaven. The “ Inhabitants of the Earth ,” in contrast, have chosen to venerate the “ Dragon ” and therefore await a grim fate.

Salvation for the Nations

The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and true life to men and women of every nation and nationality . Jesus claimed that “all authority in Heaven and on Earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations!” He sent his disciples to announce his Lordship and Salvation to the “ends of the Earth,” to every nation. With Christ’s Death and Resurrection, the Era of Salvation commenced, therefore, his life-giving message must be announced to all men and every people. The Son of God has achieved salvation for humanity!

The Fullness of God

The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, namely, Jesus Christ of Nazareth – John 1:14-18. The Gospel of John begins by introducing key themes that are expanded in the book - Life , Light , Witness , Truth , and Grace .  Jesus is the Light of the world , the source of Grace and Truth , the True Tabernacle and Temple where God dwells , and the only born Son of God who dwells in the “ bosom of the Father .” The Prologue concludes by declaring that Christ is qualified to interpret the unseen God since he alone has seen the Living God.

La Plénitude de Dieu

La plénitude, la grâce et la vérité de Dieu ne se trouvent que dans la Parole faite Chair, à savoir Jésus-Christ de Nazareth - Jean 1:14-18. L'Évangile de Jean commence par introduire les thèmes clés qui sont développés dans le livre - la Vie, la Lumière, le Témoignage, la Vérité et la Grâce. Jésus est la Lumière du monde, la source de la Grâce et de la Vérité, le Véritable Tabernacle où habite Dieu, et le Fils unique de Dieu qui habite dans le “ sein du Père .” Le Prologue se termine en déclarant que le Christ est qualifié pour interpréter le Dieu invisible puisque lui seul a vu le Dieu Vivant.

L'Antéchrist Final

L'Esprit de l'Antéchrist suscite des séducteurs dans l'Église, mais un Maître Séducteur final apparaîtra à la fin de l'âge . L'apôtre Jean a appliqué le terme “ antéchrists ”, au pluriel, à de faux enseignants qui perturbaient ses congrégations, des trompeurs qui niaient que “ Jésus est le Christ ” et “ est venu dans la chair .” Ils étaient animés par “ l'Esprit de l'Antéchrist ” qui opère dans le monde depuis le début de l'histoire humaine.

The Final Antichrist

The Spirit of the Antichrist is raising up deceivers in the Church, but a final Master Deceiver will appear at the end of the age . The Apostle John applied the term “ antichrists ”, plural, to false teachers who were disrupting his congregations, deceivers who denied that “ Jesus is the Christ ” and “ came in the flesh .” They were driven by the “ Spirit of the Antichrist ” that has been operating in the world since the beginning of human history.