
Expect Tribulation

Disciples of Jesus should expect suffering on account of their faithful testimony. While it may not occur daily or in every believer’s life, persecution is not, or should not be, something unexpected or shocking to the Church. The primary cause is the faithful proclamation of the Gospel; however, when believers fail to preach the Good News to a hostile world, their sufferings for the sake of Jesus diminish, and persecution becomes a distant memory.


Jesus experienced growing conflict as he began his journey to Jerusalem. In Galilee, he displayed his authority over nature, demons, disease, and even death, and the crowds welcomed him enthusiastically. However, in his hometown, and among his family members, he met unbelief, hostility, and the rejection of his ministry.

Redeemed by His Blood

In the Book of Revelation , the men redeemed by Jesus form a new priestly company that transcends all national, social, and cultural boundaries, and they persevere in the “ Testimony of Jesus ” before the world through every affliction and persecution. This is how they follow the “ Lamb wherever he goes .”

Coming on Clouds

After describing the destruction of the Temple, Jesus went on to the subject of his return. How much time would pass between the Temple’s demise and his arrival he did not say, but in the intervening period, he warned his disciples to steer clear of deceivers and “ false prophets ” who would disseminate false information about his coming.

Day of Christ

The coming of Jesus is not a major topic in Paul's letters to the Corinthians though it is in his Thessalonian correspondence. However, he does touch on several aspects of the event, including its identification as the “ Day of the Lord ,” the consummation of God’s kingdom, the resurrection of the righteous, the judgment of the wicked, and the cessation of death.

Lumière du Monde

La “ vie ”se trouve dans la “ Parole ”, et cette vie est la “ Lumière des hommes ”. Il “ brille dans les ténèbres ”, et les ténèbres “ ne peuvent pas le saisir ”. Cette même “ Parole ” ou Logos est devenue “ chair ”, la Parole Vivante de Dieu manifestée dans l'homme, Jésus de Nazareth, en qui la Vie du Dieu qui a créé toutes choses est manifestée à la vue de tous les hommes.